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Day 6: 6:00 AM - 7:00...
Episode 1
24 "Day 6: 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM"
20 months have passed since the events of Day Five. For the past 11 weeks, the U.S. has been under siege by a series of terrorist bombings, with Muslim extremists as the prime suspects. L.A. joins the list of casualties when a bus is bombed in a suicide attack. President Wayne Palmer is torn when he receives conflicting advice from his top advisors. Tom Lennox suggests that the government begin rounding up all Islamic-Americans for detention, but NSA Director Karen Hayes argues that its too drastic a step in finding the terrorists.CTU Director Bill Buchanan and Curtis Manning meet with Chinese diplomats, who have agreed to release Jack Bauer from custody. Jack is ragged and dirty and hasnt spoken for 20 months. Bill informs him that theyve been contacted by a terrorist, Abu Fayed, who can lead them to the man behind the attacks, but he wants to take revenge on Jack for the murder of his brother in return. Jack meagerly accepts his fate, relieved that his death will have meaning.An average family comes to the aid of an Islamic boy when his father is arrested by the FBI, but it soon becomes clear that the boy may be more involved with the terrorists than they realize. Chloe and Morris OBrian attempt to intervene on Jacks behalf, but their efforts may jeopardize the deal between CTU and Fayed. Jack is turned over to Fayed. Fayed begins to torture Jack, but Jack finds the will to fight for his life when he learns that his death may be in vain.
Added on September 21, 2011