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Charlie X
Episode 2
Star Trek TOS "Charlie X"
Stardate 1533.6: The Enterprise makes a rendezvous with the S.S. Antares and picks up a 17 year old boy, Charlie Evans who is the only survivor of a colony expedition that crashed on the planet Thasus. Captain Ramart and his staff rave about the boy, but Kirk cant help but be puzzled when Ramart refuses luxury items and hurries back to the Antares. Charlie, without social skills of any measure, seems a bit strange and unrefined but states that he grew up alone with only the record tapes from the wreckage for company. Sometime later, Captain Ramart signals the Enterprise and tries to warn Kirk about something, but just then the Antares is destroyed. Kirk doesnt think much about Charlies disinterested reaction to the deaths of his former friends, but Spock begins to suspect that there is more to the boy than they know. This is confirmed when Charlie makes a crewman disappear for laughing at him while in the gym. During this time, Charlie becomes infatuated with the first ^girl^ he saw after coming aboard the Enterprise, Yeoman Rand. Unable to control his desires, Charlie pesters Rand until she is forced to hurt him, first by rejecting the boy and then by slapping him while in her quarters. This, of course, causes Charlie to make her disappear as well. Now realizing the full extent of Charlies powers and the danger he could pose to civilization, Kirk tries to alter the ships course away from their next stop, Colony 5, but Charlie learns of his plans, seizes control of the Enterprise, and locks in a course for Colony 5. By this time the Thasians, noncorporeal beings who really raised Charlie and gave him his powers, discover that the boy is missing and intercept the Enterprise. Despite Charlies pleas not to be taken away, the Thasians remove Charlie from the Enterprise and restore the crew back to normal.
Added on September 21, 2011