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The Vampire Diaries
> season 2
The Return
Episode 1
"The Return"
The second season begins with Elena discovering her uncle Johns bloody body and learning Jeremys fate, and Damon realizing that Katherine has returned. Meanwhile, Caroline is taken to the hospital following a car accident, and Tylers mysterious uncle Mason arrives in town.
Added on September 21, 2011
Brave New World
Episode 2
"Brave New World"
When a confused and desperate Caroline leaves the hospital and joins her friends at the Mystic Falls Carnival, Damon wants to take immediate action, but Stefan and Elena come to Carolines defense. Matt is completely mystified by Carolines behavior, but still tries to tell her about his feelings for her.. Damon has suspicions about Tylers Uncle Mason and uses Tylers volatile personality in an attempt to get Mason to reveal his secret. Upset with everything going on around her, Bonnie takes her anger out on Damon.
Added on September 21, 2011
Bad Moon Rising
Episode 3
"Bad Moon Rising"
Elena, Damon and Alaric take a road trip to Duke University and search through Isobels research on folklore and paranormal phenomena to see if they can uncover any clues to the mystery surrounding the Lockwood family. Isobels former student, Vanessa offers to guide them through the research and ends up getting quite an education herself. Stefan comes face to face with a terrifying new danger in the woods, and Tyler makes a shocking discovery about Mason.....
Added on September 21, 2011
Memory Lane
Episode 4
"Memory Lane"
Stefan takes drastic measures to find out the real reason Katherine has returned to Mystic Falls, and is shocked when she reveals new secrets about what really happened in 1864. Damon tries a new tactic to resolve his issues with Mason,.... but it proves costly. Tyler pushes Mason to tell him the truth about the Lockwoods. Finally, when Katherine delivers an ultimatum, Stefan and Elena are left with very few options.
Added on September 21, 2011
Kill or Be Killed
Episode 5
"Kill or Be Killed"
Tyler learns more about the Lockwood family curse from Mason. Stefan and Damon argue over how to handle Mason. Elena tries to keep Jeremy from becoming more involved with the Lockwood mystery, but Jeremy makes an effort to hang out with Tyler. Mason gives Sheriff Lockwood some startling information, leading to a night of violence, confession and heartbreak.
Added on September 21, 2011
Plan B
Episode 6
"Plan B"
Despite Elenas efforts to keep Jeremy safe, he offers to help Damon and Alaric deal with Katherine... Sheriff Forbes and Caroline share a few rare moments of quality mother/daughter time. Bonnie accidentally discovers new information about Mason and shares it with Stefan, leading Damon to take matters into his own hands.
Added on September 21, 2011
Episode 7
Stefan and Damon decide on a new plan to deal with Katherine at the Lockwoods masquerade ball. Katherine calls on an old friend, Lucy, to attend the ball with her. Bonnie, Jeremy and Alaric all do what they can to help Stefan and Damon, but Katherine has a surprise planned that none of them could foresee. Things take an ugly turn when Matt and Tyler start doing shots with their friends.
Added on September 21, 2011
Episode 8
An Ancient Presence In Mystic Falls, Stefan and Damon come to Elenas assistance and, in the process, learn surprising new information about people, vampires and events in the distant past. Jeremy helps Bonnie after she casts a difficult and exhausting spell, and Caroline does what she can to make things easier for Tyler. Finally, Stefan and Damon reach a new understanding.
Added on September 21, 2011
Episode 9
Elena puts herself in a dangerous position as she searches for the truth about Katherines past and what her own future may hold. Knowing that Stefan would never agree to her plan, Elena swears Caroline to secrecy. Damon uses a new-found confidant to help him try to discover the real purpose and power of the moonstone. Jeremy and Bonnie meet Luka, a new student with a surprising family history.
Added on September 21, 2011
The Sacrifice
Episode 10
"The Sacrifice"
Elena decides to take matters into her own hands and offers a tempting incentive to Rose for her help. When things take an unexpected turn, however, Rose calls on Damon to deal with the plan Elena has set in motion. Jeremys reckless attempt to help Bonnie retrieve the moonstone lands him in a life-threatening position and forces Stefan to put himself in danger. Bonnie and Luka form a closer connection. Tyler shows Caroline the Lockwood cellar, where she makes a discovery that leaves them both terrified.
Added on September 21, 2011
By the Light of the Moon...
Episode 11
"By the Light of the Moon"
As the full moon approaches, Caroline helps Tyler prepare for the transformation he is powerless to stop. While Stefan and Katherine play mind games on one another, Damon and Alaric are suspicious when a stranger named Jules shows up in Mystic Falls, searching for her missing friend, Mason. Elena is frustrated at the lengths Jeremy and her friends have gone to in order to keep her safe. Bonnie and Luca work together on a spell, while still keeping secrets from one another. Finally, Elijah makes an unexpected appearance with an offer that could change everything.
Added on September 21, 2011
The Descent
Episode 12
"The Descent"
Stefan has his own ideas about Elenas new plan for the future. While Damon tries to get the truth out of Jules, he asks Elena to keep an eye on Rose, a situation that turns unexpectedly dangerous. Caroline and Matt try to be honest about their feelings for one another, and Tylers reaction to Carolines generosity comes as a surprise to her... Damon struggles to hide his true feelings when a life-and-death crisis hits him harder than he expected.
Added on September 21, 2011
Daddy Issues
Episode 13
"Daddy Issues"
Johnathan Gilberts return to Mystic Falls comes as an unhappy surprise to Elena, Jenna and Damon. Caroline lets Stefan know about her conversation with Tyler, and Stefan does his best to reach out to a confused and conflicted Tyler. Jeremy comforts Bonnie after her disturbing conversation with Jonas... When Jules takes a hostage, the situation quickly escalates into a violent confrontation.
Added on September 21, 2011
Crying Wolf
Episode 14
"Crying Wolf"
Stefan and Elena get away for what they hope will be a romantic weekend at the Gilbert family lake house, not realizing that theyve been followed. Jenna starts to worry that Alaric isnt being honest with her. Jules explains the importance of the sun and moon curse to Tyler, but leaves out an important detail. Damon attends a tea at the Historical Society in order to talk to Elijah, but Elijah isnt giving up any secrets. With help from Caroline and Jeremy, Bonnie uses deceptive measures to get shocking new information out of Luka. Finally, Tyler offers Matt some relationship advice.
Added on September 21, 2011
The Dinner Party
Episode 15
"The Dinner Party"
Stefan tells Elena about a dark time in his history and the surprising person whose influence changed everything. After getting the truth out of Luka, Jonas makes his feelings clear to Bonnie and Jeremy. Trying to catch Elijah off-guard, Damon arranges a dinner party for him with Jenna, Alaric and Andie, but last-minute information throws Damons plan into chaos.
Added on September 21, 2011
The House Guest
Episode 16
"The House Guest"
Katherines mind games are getting on everyones nerves, but Damon, Stefan and Elena realize that her knowledge of Mystic Falls history will help them stay alive. Frustrated with her relationship with Matt, Caroline finds a new way to get his attention. Alaric makes a surprising confession to Jenna, and Katherine makes a different kind of confession to Damon. Stefan and Bonnie try to convince Jonas and Luka that they should all be working together, but Jonas lack of trust leads to a violent and fiery confrontation.
Added on September 21, 2011
Know Thy Enemy
Episode 17
"Know Thy Enemy"
Elena and Alaric both lash out at John when Isobels unexpected arrival leaves Jenna devastated. Bonnie works with Damon and Jeremy to find the spell theyll need to harness her ancestors power. A heartbroken Caroline doesnt know what to do about Matt. Stefan and Damon realize they have a new secret weapon.
Added on September 21, 2011
The Last Dance
Episode 18
"The Last Dance"
As the high school prepares to throw a 1960s Decade Dance, Elena starts receiving disturbing messages from Klaus via an unusual source. Bonnie tries to reassure Jeremy that she is strong enough to help Elena, but a worried Jeremy asks Stefan for advice. Caroline talks Matt into taking her to the dance. Expecting Klaus to show up at the dance, Damon and Alaric attend as chaperones, but Klaus is playing a complicated game that keeps them on edge. Finally, Damon comes up with a new plan of action that shocks and upsets everyone.
Added on September 21, 2011
Episode 19
Stefan and Damon are furious when they discover that Elena has defied them both to make a new ally and take control of the plan to out-maneuver Klaus. Disagreement over how to protect Elena leads to growing tension between the Salvatore brothers. Meanwhile, Stefan has his hands full trying to keep a confused and frightened Jenna safe. Flashbacks to 1491 reveal Katherines introduction to Elijah and Klaus, along with the origin of the moonstone curse. Elena learns shocking new information about Klaus motives.
Added on September 21, 2011
The Last Day
Episode 20
"The Last Day"
Damon is willing to go to extraordinary lengths to prevent Elena from being a victim of Klaus plan to break the curse. Damons actions put him at terrible odds with Stefan and the tension that started brewing between the brothers over their differing opinions of how to help save Elenas life blows up into full-scale conflict. Tyler returns to Mystic Falls after receiving a disturbing phone call. With the full moon marking the arrival of the sacrifice ritual, Stefan and Elena spend a romantic day together afraid it might be their last.
Added on September 21, 2011
The Sun Also Rises
Episode 21
"The Sun Also Rises"
With the arrival of the full moon, Elena tries to prepare for whatever Klaus has planned and Tyler faces his second transformation. The terrifying events quickly spin out of control, despite an unexpected act of courage. Finally, Damon admits the truth to Stefan about a terrible new development they must face...
Added on September 21, 2011
As I Lay Dying
Episode 22
"As I Lay Dying"
Mystic Falls screens "Gone with The Wind" in the town square, and Damons memories of Katherine in 1864 mix with the reality of present-day Elena. Stefan pays a steep price after trying to prevent a tragedy, and Sheriff Forbes makes a dangerous mistake while trying to keep everyone safe. Multiple lives hang in the balance as the consequences of the sacrifice ritual play out to a horrifying conclusion.
Added on September 21, 2011